1. Taco Tuesday: Luau's, a Hawaiian-vibe taco shop on the Hill, has $1 tacos ever Tuesday from 6-10pm! They also offer $1 cans of PBR (or $2 pints of Boulder Beer if you're feeling fancy) and a mean margarita for $3.50. Be warned - you'll need at least 3 tacos, and one margarita feels like 2.

2. Camp in Indian Peak Wilderness: So technically you're supposed to have a permit, but you don't really need it most places. Park at the Hessie Trailhead (or before that if the road resembles a river and your driving Gladys or a vehicle equally unequipped for off-roading) and hike up to Lost Lake, or Jasper Lake if you're feeling more ambitious. You'll get views rivalling those of RMNP without the annoying little kids disturbing the serenity.3. Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado trips: The only thing we like more than camping and eating is camping and eating for free. Oh, and giving back to the community, preserving nature, and making contributions to the great state of Colorado. VOC offers free trips almost every weekend in the summer in various awesome locations around the state to build or restore trails. And they'll give you food and beer for free. And maybe even a bluegrass band performance. Seriously.
4. Farmers' Market (free samples): Sticking with the theme of free food, check out the Boulder Farmer's Market on Wednesdays from 4-8pm and Saturdays from 8am-2pm for free samples of local food! Plus there's usually some sort of entertainment happening. For free.
5. Biking: So other than the obvious expenses of a bike and pedals and shoes and a helmet and a sick cycling jersey and padded shorts and a flat repair kit and a bike computer and a power meter and water bottles that fit in cages, biking is the best bang-for-your-buck activity there is! Unless you go up into RMNP, the roads are COMPLETELY FREE to use!! You really get to see the scenery in a way you just can't from a car, and you can entertain yourself for literally hours on end, and you get in an awesome workout. Win-win-win.
6. Tubing the Boulder Creek: The conditions aren't always right but when they are, this activity is awesome! We had to wait till the end of July for the water to not be unbearably cold and low enough to not kill us. But I think the levels of runoff this year were unusual. We bought cheap little tubes for 2.99 at Target that worked well enough, but were definitely not the most stable floatables out there. If you're looking for a full day of awesome and minimal butt-rock contact, I would splurge for the $12 rubber tire inner tubes that can be bought at most gas stations in the area. There are also quite a few other creeks around that you can tube as well. Go to this website for info on water levels, where to go, and even to rent tubes.
this is pretty much the funniest thing i have read all day