About Us

Hiking Mt. Washington (NH) in January
Michelle and I went to high school together in a Boston suburb, became friends our senior year while bonding over our mutual love for running in New England blizzards, split up for college (me to Duke and Michelle to USC), and are now reunited in Boulder, CO for the summer before our senior years.

This past December (2010), we were both back in Boston for winter break. I had just returned from a semester abroad in Sydney and Michelle had spent the fall training for and completing the Las Vegas Silverman Triathlon. Sitting in a coffee shop on Newbury Street after having just watched the movie 127 Hours at a theater in Cambridge, we decided that we were going to do something awesome with our summer. We chose Boulder for it's proximity to a plethora of national parks, it's non-city vibe, and the fact that it had been named the number one town for triathletes, but have since discovered many other reasons why this town was made for us. Committed to living in Boulder with or without a job, we both began the internship search and much to our parents' dismay, it worked out!

I am an Economics major with an Energy and Environment certificate and got a job as an intern at the Rocky Mountain Institute, a non-profit energy efficiency think tank. Michelle is majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering and got an internship with Covidien, a medical device company. We have since both realized that the 9-5 lifestyle is not for us.

We are also subletting a tiny little room in a horrible three bedroom apartment (see The Sublet from HELL) near CU campus and we have consequently realized that the indoor lifestyle is also not for us.

Visiting Bryce Canyon National Park during our road trip from LA to Boulder
From these two nontraditional yet perfectly reasonable realizations, we have devised an amazing plan for next summer that involves neither jobs nor apartments and will most certainly label us as "that girl" for the rest of our lives but will nonetheless be an absolutely epic summer (see The Conception of the Minivan Plan).